Hi everyone
Herefordshire LUG is organising an Open Source Day on Sat March 26 as a
follow on from the very successful Software Freedom day event we ran in
It's a free drop-in event open to everyone - we demonstrate Linux
operating systems, OS cross platform software and promote and inform
people about FOSS.
Many of our LUG members are Ubuntu users and Ubuntu tends to be the
Linux system we recommend to first time users - we gave away over 60
Ubuntu discs at our last event (thanks to canonical) to users who ranged
from business people and students to not-for-profit organisations and
home users - it was quite a mix as well as nearly 100 of our own cross
platform Open disc (kindly copied and printed for us gratis by The Linux

For our Open Source Day in March we have created our own HOSS Awards -
Herefordshire Open Source Star Awards - and are looking for nominations
from businesses, organisations and individuals who have done the most to
promote and develop the use of FOSS in the county.

At this event we are also focusing on Open Document Standards and the
need for compatibility and will be looking at Open/Libre Office in
Dr Mark Wright a Bristol City Council's cabinet member and an Open
Source advocate will be speaking in the afternoon about his experience
of Open Source in Local Government.

So if any of you can come to the event we would love to see you there.
There is more info up on our website about the event and the HOSS Awards
you can also follow us on facebook  - http://tinyurl.com/3ym78gy 
& twitter http://twitter.com/Hfd_LUG 



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