On 14 January 2011 15:56, Alan Bell <alan.b...@theopenlearningcentre.com>wrote:

>  Hi all,
> The .org pavilion at the show is now confirmed (I thought it was already,
> but hey, it really has been now)
> We have been asked to ‘blog the life out of the event’ and the organisers
> would appreciate if we could promote it on our LinkedIn and social
> networking sites/web sites etc... fyi entry to the event is Free for those
> booking up until 12.00 midnight on 1st February 2011.  Thereafter visitors
> will be asked to pay £15.00 so you need to register asap.
> Those able to help staff the stand should put their names down on the
> schedule http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/linuxexposchedule and kit themselves out
> with a Maverick Tshirt
> Alan.

Hello all,
Next week I'll be talking about the event on the mailing lists of the London
developer communities I am involved with, so will reach around 2,500

Thank you.
John Stevenson
Lean Agile Consultant / Coach
jr0cket.com  |  leanagilemachine.com

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