On Tue, 2010-12-28 at 00:17 -0500, Archibald Platypus wrote:
> Are you trying only to include open source alternatives? I noticed you
> listed Ekiga without mentioning that Skype actually has a native Linux
> client.

Not at all.  The list at
is an old list that is well out of date and needs revising and extending
to reflect the state of Ubuntu and the rest of the world today.  

There is good proprietary stuff out there that does the job, and this
must be included - and non-free applications should be included too.
Anyone coming from the Windows platform will be more than happy to pay
out good money for an app.  In fact they will be very surprised not to
be asked to pay!

Incidentally, the fact that Skype and many other apps are available for
our reflect how much things have come on in recent time.  I notice that
BBC iPlayer now supports several breeds of Linux specifically, and that
includes (of course) Ubuntu).  To me, this speaks volumes about how much
progress has been made - a lot of it, I think is due to Canonical's
excellent work.

Regards,                Barry Drake

What do you see when you use your Computer? Same old thing?
...There IS a Better Way!  Ubuntu!


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