On 20 December 2010 14:47, Gordon Burgess-Parker <gbpli...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I see loads and loads of posts on the MS forums of the type "I am the
> sole user and administrator and my account is corrupted how do I access
> my data?" with various answers being given, including the setting up of
> an Administrator account which is never used except for emergency access
> and elevation purposes.
> Does Ubuntu ever suffer with corrupted User accounts (I have to say I've
> never seen any posts anywhere about this) and if so, what's the fix?

The issue with Windows is that there is a database at the core of the
authentication mechanism, and this database can get damaged. Unix and Linux
are essentially based on flat files which can be edited with the correct
permissions. It is possible to damage /etc/passwd and/or /etc/shadow in such
a way as to cause authentication failure, and also to corrupt your user
space in such a way as to damage user configuration files, but it's also a
lot easier to recover them.

Twitter: @sfgreenwood
"Is this your sanderling?"

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