> I forwarded your email to the Shotwell mailing list on your behalf. I
> hope you don't mind. Could you confirm the exact version of Ubuntu and
> Shotwell you're running please? Also, would it be possible to post on
> your web stie a file that demonstrates the problem so that it can be
> used for testing please?
> Cheers,
> Bruno

Hi Bruno,

No problem with doing that and thanks - I was going to do it this
afternoon when I was more awake (I’m not really a morning person).

I have uploaded an archive with the file I used in sample image I posted
earlier. Also in the archive is a JPG of the same file (I used to camera
to save in RAW and JPG at the same time so there is a comparison between
the two). The file is located at

As you suggested in your previous post, I believe it is related to the
libraw library and since Canon had to release a new version of the
Windows RAW codec to support the 60D I really do think it could be a
compatibility problem with a slightly changed file format (or the files
being nearly twice the size of the 1000D ones I had used in the past).

The versions I am using are

Ubuntu - 10.10
Shotwell - 0.7.2-1~maverick1
Libraw-dev - 0.9.1-1

Thanks again for everyone help. I will do what I can to help get the
support (test builds etc if necessary) but in the meantime I will do my
edits for the photography course I am doing on Windows.



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