"danteash...@gmail.com" wrote:
> When I started using Ubuntu, I spent weeks trying to find out how to
> get Flash, DVD's and other such rubbish to run, because whilst F/OSS
> extremists/purists hate to admit it, we are still, sadly, reliant on
> such technology. 

This is a little like saying "because, whilst vegetarians hate to admit
it, we are still, sadly, reliant on meat".

Anybody who is a F/OSS extremist or purist will, surely, hold that
principle above being able to watch flash videos or listen to music
encoded in mp3.

Personally, I'm not really that reliant on it; probably most of the
reason I manage to avoid all this hassle installing proprietary drivers
and codecs is because the large majority of what I do either involves
free codecs and sensible software, or incredibly simple installers
(like flashplugin-nonfree). I don't, for example, know how to get DVD
video playing working under any Linux, because I've never really felt
the need to. And I'm really not a FOSS extremist or purist; I'm just
incredibly lazy.



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