Hi all,

Some of us have been tinkering with the new LoCo team website which can 
currently be found at http://beta.ubuntu-uk.org

It now has a slightly broken map thing 
http://beta.ubuntu-uk.org/where-are-we/ which we can hack into a less 
broken state, it has links to the IRC channel logs 
http://beta.ubuntu-uk.org/todays-chatter/ and embedded live webchat 
There is a scrappy looking twitter feed follower on the right and the 
recipes section is coming along nicely.
There is even an article about the christmas party (please come along!) 

We need to do some work to clean things up and make it all shiny and 
functional so I am proposing a hack day on Friday 10th December where we 
meet up in the #ubuntu-uk on IRC (use an IRC client or 
http://beta.ubuntu-uk.org/join-the-conversation ) and work together on 
it. Anyone can join in, no previous experience required however we do 
want to keep the quality standards nice and high. Off the top of my head 
the tasks break down as follows:
Writing content about the team and events - requires a good standard of 
English, with grammar, spelling, punctuation etc.
CSS tweaks to make it look pretty - requires some knowledge of CSS
Fixing the map and adding any other functionality we think of - some 
knowledge of PHP and Wordpress might be handy.
See you on the 10th, or if you want to get started before then ask for a 
user account in the IRC channel.



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