Next meeting: 2010-12-02 19:30-21:30GMT at irc:// Agenda/Minutes at
This monthly meeting is for potential and past organisers to discuss plans for the next UCubed event, which is scheduled for 2nd April, 2011 at MadLab, Manchester. UCubed is the short name referring to an Ubuntu and Upstream UnWorkshop full-day event, held in Manchester, UK. It's a community organised event to develop and collaborate on improving Ubuntu and Ubuntu's many upstream projects, including (but not limited to) Debian, Gnome, KDE and more. A successful event was held on 2010-08-28. The minutes from the last meeting, including a chatlog is at If you feel any other mailing lists or groups would benefit from being invited to attend this planning session, please feel free to forward this invitation to them. -- Jon "The Nice Guy" Spriggs --