On 4 November 2010 09:50, Barry Drake <bdr...@crosswire.org> wrote:

> On Thu, 2010-11-04 at 00:02 +0000, Bruno Girin wrote:
> > Have you tried Lombard? [1] It's still a 0.1 version but it may be worth
> > checking. It's done by Yorba, the same people who do Shotwell.
> Thanks for that.
> I've just looked at the Lombard wiki.  It gives some really useful
> comparisons.  However, Lombard uses the same video framework as does
> PiTiVi ... so I expect the output to be similar.  There are some other
> apps described on the Wiki.  I'm going to have a look at those as well.
> Regards,                Barry Drake

According to the Lombard website, some of the features in PiViTi are still
goals (Transition effect) but its interesting to note that its written in
Vala (to me anyway).

Looking at the recently created OpenShot website http://www.openshot.org/,
it is looking a really good option for video editing, with lots of
features.  It also uses the Media Lovin Toolkit
http://www.mltframework.org/as opposed to the Gstreamer system used by

I hope to try out OpenShot at the weekend.  If anyone does a write up of how
they got on with OpenShot, please let me know.

Thank you.
John Stevenson
Lean Agile Consultant / Coach
jr0cket.com  |  leanagilemachine.com

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