On 17/10/10 17:07, Barry Drake wrote:
> On Sun, 2010-10-17 at 15:42 +0100, Rob Beard wrote:
>> On 17/10/10 15:29, Barry Drake wrote:
>> I'd suggest either Aria or eBuyer.com.  I believe both actually now do
>> bundles of either AMD or Intel CPUs.  For around £120 I'd expect you
>> could get an Athlon II X2 or Pentium Dual Core.
> Thanks for that.
> Aria looks very interesting.  Hadn't looked at them before.  eBuyer
> seems good, but there are no Intel bundles as such.  Correct me if I'm
> wrong, but I've been a bit put off AMD boards because nearly all of them
> seem to use Nvidia video and I'm a bit wary after all the reported
> driver problems on this list.  Never had any problems myself though.
> Someone said on this list that most of the Intel boards work with Ubuntu
> 'out of the box', and that's got to be an advantage.

You can get boards with AMD/ATI chipsets but they're a bit more 
expensive and I'm not entirely sure how well they work with Ubuntu (okay 
they should be fine with the proprietary ATI drivers but I'm not sure 
how well they work with the FLOSS drivers).

> I could run to something really 'future proof', but how far do I go
> before I'd be better off getting a complete new box?  Less of a problem
> if anything goes wrong too.  In the past, I've tended to go for a
> motherboard bundle, and then not do any upgrades (even memory) until I
> feel an urge to do another motherboard change, or to go out and get a
> new box.

Well I guess it depends how long the machine lasts until you feel you 
need an upgrade.

If you leave it long enough then you'll probably find that the hardware 
required to upgrade is no longer available.  I understand the situation 
you're in.  For instance I had a Phenom X4 with AM2+ motherboard (both 
died, the motherboard because it was faulty and the Phenom because I 
broke a leg off it!).  If I still had the system up and running now I'd 
possibly hang on to it until I felt I needed an upgrade, so chances are 
by the time I upgraded I'd need a new motherboard and CPU.

As it happens I'm now using a laptop (although I do want to rebuild my 
desktop) and I'm getting on fine with a Core 2 Duo 2Ghz :-)



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