On 13/10/10 17:35, Paul Jones wrote:
> I've been a user of support forums for years and have never had the issues 
> you or Mel describe, I've asked questions on all manner of forums ranging 
> from PC's to dishwashers to cats and never found a lack of people willing to 
> help and point me in the right direction.
> I'd put money on it there are as many people with your point of view about 
> the support they get from Microsoft but that doesn't mean there is a 
> fundamental issue with the support, but clearly YOU aren't having a good 
> experience. It seems to me peoples expectations are a little high with this 
> sort of thing so maybe just maybe you need to be more receptive to the advice 
> being given.
> I'm not saying that is the answer, just saying maybe, as the majority of 
> people are able to find and get the help they need.
> Paul.

Ok, so that again says, its not happening to me, so cant be right. The 
problem I see here is, we have a problem, and all we are getting back 
is, excuses for why we could be having those problems. Problems not 
sorted, things said that shouldnt be said. Nothing accomplished apart 
from bad atmosphere.

As far as generalisations, do you want me to be really specific, I can 
name names, give instances if you like, but I dont think that would be a 
good idea for any list, do you? so the reason why its general.

You any idea how frustrating it is, to have a problem, and still have no 
solution, but lots of bad atmosphere.


Ubuntu User #30817


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