I generally disagree with the original comments - Ubuntu has always
shipped non-free software (flash, sun java, ...) and this is mostly
for the user's benefit in that these applications are very much
desired. If I want a pure, free environment I use Debian.

The software centre is not new - I recall partner repositories as far
back as at least jaunty, but probably earlier, and I think these are
not only a good idea but important for the long-term success of Ubuntu
- Being able to provide things like IBM's free-to-use DB2 and WAS-CE
are important for making the platform more successful and being able
to get support from other software suppliers.

Of course not everyone will agree with me, and that is fine.


Anton Piatek
email: an...@piatek.co.uk
blog/photos:            http://www.strangeparty.com
pgp: [74B1FA37]    (http://www.strangeparty.com/anton.asc)
fingerprint: 7401 96D3 E037 2F8F 5965  A358 4046 71FD 74B1 FA37

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