Hello there guys,

My joggler sadly got knocked off the counter at the end of June, and I
haven't had the money to get a new one and probably won't for some time. I
feel like I am neglecting the wiki because of it and have a lot of part-time
work to do for university so can't keep maintaining it. The wiki has gone
down a few times because I could not keep up with the hosting payments.

So after a lot of thought, I have decided to sell the wiki to an owner who
is passionate about tech and has the time to continue maintaining it for
a truly brilliant group of hackers, the money will go towards my university
fees. I was thinking of launching it on flippa but I have a feeling that you
guys would care more for the site and what it stands for.

The wiki has a lot of visitors, in 1 day it gains 300 unique visitors, here
is a condensed list of stats:
 Yesterday's traffic 305 Visits Traffic this month 9977 Visits Traffic last
month 9791 Visits

If anyone is interested in making an offer, please feel free to reply :-)

The website is: http://www.jogglerwiki.info for anyone who has forgotten ;)

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