On 5 August 2010 20:39, Alan Lord (News) <alansli...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 05/08/10 20:33, John Stevenson wrote:
> > I am working with the tech society of University College London to run
> > an install fest on their premises and hopefully getting the London Java
> > Community and Graduate Development community involved.
> Eclipse on Ubuntu, and the OpenJDK, rock!
> Al

I am also going to be doing a follow on event (or events) for the students
that would cover lots of open source development tools, to help students
bridge the gap between University and Industry.  So that includes, Netbeans
(IDE & Platform), Eclipse, Ant, Maven, Subversion, Git, Hudson CI, Sonar,
Tomcat, Glassfish, etc.  All of which run beautifully on Ubuntu.  Maybe we
can also have a python night to help people get started and give them the
tools to contribute to applications in Ubuntu (debian/updstream).

The demo's would all be on Ubuntu and all presentation materials created and
shown using Ubuntu (Open Office, Scribus, Inkscape, etc).

I am trying to find out if we can have non-students at any of these events,
but if not there is another venue I can use on the occasional evening based
in Clerkenwell
John Stevenson
Lean Agile Consultant / Coach
jr0cket.com  |  leanagilemachine.com

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