<grinning> OK withdrawing opinion on paint for shed ;)

On 02/08/10 13:38, Alan Pope wrote:
On 2 August 2010 13:28, Alan Lord (News)<alansli...@gmail.com>  wrote:
On 02/08/10 13:08, pmgazz wrote:
Looks good - have you tried bolder type, might be more striking?
No, but it's an SVG, open it with Inkscape and have a play ;-)

There were no other comments so I'm not sure if it was that popular.
Mind you there were no "Ewweeuuurrrghh" so maybe it was just "OK"?



If we're offering opinions... The bike shed should be blue!

More constructively however, I don't like the idea of replacing dash
with dot, the team name is "ubuntu-uk" and changing that to
"ubuntu.uk" adds confusion IMO.

I also am not keen on the UK being bold. I quite like all of both
"ubuntu" and "uk"  being the same font size, weight and boldness. It
seems to be unbalanced when the weight / size and boldness are



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