On Sat, 24 Jul 2010 18:35:39 +0100
Barry Drake wrote:

> On Sat, 2010-07-24 at 14:09 +0100, Harry Rickards wrote:
> > >From Slashdot
> > >(http://linux.slashdot.org/story/10/07/24/0241204/Dell-Drops-Ubuntu-PCs-From-Its-Website):
> I had a lengthy and unsatisfactory exchange with Dell over this issue.
> The last e-mail seemed to be saying that:
> a) there is very little demand and b) they are happy to keep the
> hardware warrant if I buy a Windows device and put Ubuntu on it. They
> will not consider supplying a machine with no OS, and no Windows reg.
> fee. 
> The e-mail implied though, that if enough people were to write in in
> the same vein as I, the team might re-consider.  So - I think the
> ball's in your court.  Get loads of people to contact Dell asking if
> their Dell xyz can be supplied loaded with Ubuntu and how much.
> Imply that you will decide on another make if they cannot help.  This
> is exactly what I said, and what I will most likely do!  e-mail:
> raj_mo...@dell.com with a copy to: Michael Dell <mich...@dell.com>
> (He's the CEO).  This actually makes a reply happen instead of a
> delete.  (Wonder if Michael actually reads it?).
> Regards,  Barry Drake.

Had to say that I really liked our very own Alan Bell's approach to it,
especially this bit:

"If you are tempted to go ask similar questions of the Dell online chat
thing then go right ahead with the following conditions: 1) You must
take a credit card out of your purse/wallet, rest it on your keyboard
and be totally prepared to use it, if they find you a suitable laptop.
2) Do it once, don’t repeatedly bother them. 3) Be polite and
respectful, the Code of Conduct applies."




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