On 20 July 2010 20:44, Barry Drake <bdr...@crosswire.org> wrote:

> Slightly weird behaviour.  I haven't used my scanner - Brother DCP 135C
> combined printer scanner - for a few weeks.  Yesterday, both my netbook
> and my PC refused to find it.  I had to re-install both parts of the
> required proprietary driver (from Brother) to get it to work again.
> This was certainly due to one of at least three updates that I carried
> out during that time.  Only a slight inconvenience, but as the scans
> were urgent, I had to resort to Windows to do them, and that really
> rankled!!!
> Any suggestions for avoiding this on the next round?
> Hello Barry,
I believe there was a kernel update in the last week or three, perhaps that
was the source of your problem.  When doing an upgrade, have a quick scan
through the list of updates and if there is a lernel-image listed, then get
ready to reinstall your proprietary driver (you could write a bash if the
driver install is not already scripted).

If it was not the kernel, then it could have been cups.  See if you can
figure out where the proprietary driver is being installed and this may give
you a better idea of which Ubuntu package change could be affecting the
driver install

Thank you.
John Stevenson
Lean Agile Consultant / Coach
jr0cket.com  |  leanagilemachine.com

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