On 2 July 2010 13:04, Cornelius Mostert <corneliusmost...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> On Ubuntu 8.10 64 bit I can make windows sometimes to disappear by
> moving them by clicking on the Window's title bare and then do it
> again.
> I can not see the window at all on the bottom tray or by pressing
> <alt>+<tab> BUT it looks like the process is still running in System
> monitor...
> My question is how do I get the window to appear again?? I could open
> another window (like terminal window - if it is the terminal window
> that disappeared) but how do I get the disappeared one back...
> thanx

Is it possible you have mistakenly moved them onto another desktop?

Press Ctrl-Alt-left or Ctrl-Alt-right to see the other desktops.

Liam Proven • Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/liamproven
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