On 21 June 2010 22:46, Chris Rowson <christopherrow...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> Just wondering what mail agent you're using on your LAMP setups? I've
> been revisiting the subject while setting up a new Lucid server and
> have been a little surprised that there's not much info out there
> about setting up a simple SMTP server that doesn't receive email but
> just sends it when PHP tries to use sendmail to send email.
I'd personally look at postfix or qmail as an MTA. qmail can be a bit fiddly
to set up but is very light and reliable.

For testing purposes, PEAR::mail doesn't need an MTA at all, but it's
probably better to set something up so that you're not waiting for the SMTP
process to complete.


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