> Thank you very much guys, as far as i understand, i just need to add a new
> vhost on the server side in order to set it up.
> But how about on the registrar side? It seems to want Nameservers, not an IP
> address to link too?
> What are nameservers, are they easy enough to set up?

A name server stores information about which domain names point to
which IP addresses. If you search for www.mydomainname.com your name
server will reply back with the IP address of the server hosting the
www.mydomainname.com website. It's actually a bit more complicated
than that but you can always Google it if you're interested.

If you're using a Cpanel powered server it's probably managing DNS for
you. As you're wanting to migrate to your own server you're going to
have to sort out the DNS side of things yourself.

Some registrars like GoDaddy for instance will also handle DNS for
you. That is they will provide you with a name server. Others don't
and ask which name server will be handling your domain.

If your registrar doesn't provide you with a name server then you
might find a free one by searching Google.

I can't recommend one myself as I use the DNS service provided for
free by my registrar.




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