On 06/06/10 17:19, John Stevenson wrote:
If you are still having a problem, then it only confirms your configs
were updated. Have you restarted your desktop, you can do that by
login out and loging back in again.
If you are still having problems, is the only problem that you cant
run the nvidia-settings tool?
I am assuming that if the nvidia-settings tool is not running, then
you dont have 3D effects (compiz) on you desktop and cant do any other
3D stuff.
You could try to use one of the earlier config files and logout/in
each time.
John Stevenson
jr0cket.com <http://jr0cket.com>
leanagilemachine.com <http://leanagilemachine.com>
Hi Yes, I am still having problems, if I go to change desktop background
then visual effects, the try to change it from none, nothing works, it
says its unable to. It was working perfectly till then. Really
frustrating that is.
Ubuntu User #30817