---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: <fi...@finux.co.uk> Date: 5 April 2010 19:10 Subject: [dundee] DVWA at the society 8th To: dun...@lists.lug.org.uk
Hi Guys, As a trip down memory lane, i'm sending out the reminder for this meeting. The University of Abertay Dundee Linux Society; Are proud to announce that Tom Mackenzie of Random Storm will be talking to the Linux Society on Thursday the 8th of April about Damn Vulnerable Web App (DVWA). DVWA has rocketed to forefront of its competitors for its amazing talent of teaching web developers, ethical hackers, and interested individuals how web application can be both secure and insecure. TALK ABSTRACT; "The talk is going to consist of three sections. The first section is going to be a brief introduction about myself, my background and how I first got into this line of work. The second section is going to look at DVWA which is an open source web application created by Ryan Dewhurst and has been recently acquired by RandomStorm LTD. DVWA stand for Damn Vulnerable Web Application and was created as an aid for security professionals to test their skills and tools in a legal environment, help web developers better understand the processes of securing web applications and aid teachers/students to teach/learn web application security in a class room environment. The third section is going to look at specific web application vulnerabilities i.e. SQL Injection and Cross Site Scripting, how they work and how they can be prevented. DVWA incorporates a high security level which will be used here to present what security should be in place in that particular environment." END OF ABSTRACT The talk is free and open to everyone, including non-students. This is a fantastic opportunity to get into grass roots security testing, and you never know you may actually learn a thing or two. Feel free to pass this around to anyone you think may find it of interest http://thelinuxsociety.org.uk/content/damn-vulnerable-web-app-a-talk-by-thomas-mackenzie Finux _______________________________________________ dundee GNU/Linux Users Group mailing list dun...@lists.lug.org.uk http://dundeelug.org.uk https://mailman.lug.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/dundee
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