IF we are going to make this video, ideally, it would be better to think
about actual content first. I think the best plan of action to get this
going is to think about what we want in the first 30-60 seconds. This way,
we have a general idea of where the video is headed in terms of genre and
audience, and as previously mentioned, it will help as an incentive if we
are to get any donations/funding for the showing and/or development of this

To start us off, we would need a number of things;

   - Somewhere to host the project - Ideally a blog or website
   - A paypal account, so viewers can donate funds to the cause
   - Somewhere to talk about it.
   - Such as an IRC channel/mailing list/forum, just so it's not just
      restricted to Ubuntu-uk, and also so any skeptics or people who
don't want
      to participate don't get annoyed by the sheer volume of threads about the
      advert (which is what seems to be happening at the moment)
   - People to help!
      - The more the merrier. Perhaps we could get in touch the with folks
      at ubuntu-marketing, to see if they can offer any expertise.
   - A definitive plan.
      - We really need to decide where we're headed with this advert. If
      it's to come into fruition, we need to not only get ideas out, but also
      select which ones are the most feasable and doable within our 3-month
   - Software!
      - As asked before, ideally any software is good. Wether it be
      proprietary or FOSS. Remember, if we're going to make this
happen, we only
      have 3 months, so it's best to use software that can get the job done!

So if we want to advertise Ubuntu, I think these are the main goals that we
need to achieve. If anyone has any other ideas as to what we need to
achieve, this is the place for that. First off, I think it would be a good
idea to have someplace we can host what we're doing, i.e; the project
outlines and goals and suchforth. Would the Ubuntu wiki (maybe even the
ubuntu-uk one) be a good place for this?


On 31 January 2010 21:23, Paul Sutton <zl...@zleap.net> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Hmm
> talking of tag lines and what MS use how about
> , "windows 7 was my idea" is Microsofts line,  but say " Ubuntu is
> great, i helped write it" or "we helped create / write " it.
> what you then have is a fade between the ubuntu logo and the circle of
> friends with people part of the logo. as that shows what the logo
> symbolises.
> Paul
> - --
> Paul Sutton
> www.zleap.net
> Ubuntu 9.10 is out : Visit www.ubuntu.com for details
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> =z5vi
> --
> ubuntu-uk@lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-uk
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/

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