On Fri, 29 Jan 2010 22:55:27 -0000, Paul Sutton <zl...@zleap.net> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Steve wrote:
>> On Fri, 29 Jan 2010 22:14:28 -0000, alan c <aecl...@candt.waitrose.com>
>> wrote:
>>> A third attempt at a published Government strategy. It looks even more
>>> like it means business than the preceding ones.
>>> Open Source, Open Standards and Re-Use: Government Action Plan
>>> http://www.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/media/318020/open_source.pdf
>>> Forward (extract)
>>> ================================
>>> When Sir Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web in 1989, he
>>> fought to keep it free for everyone.  Since then, not everyone in ICT
>>> has displayed quite the same philanthropic spirit and a small number
>>> of global organisations dominate. But over the past few years, the
>>> people have begun to fight back.  Individuals, working together over
>>> the internet, can create products that rival and sometimes beat those
>>> of giant corporations.  The age of Open Source is dawning and
>>> Government has embraced it, becoming more innovative, agile and
>>> cost-effective.
>>> (cabinet office)
>>> ================================
>> Good news.
>> Lets hope this filters down through the system to councils and  
>> education.
> At least they are supporting both ODF and OOXML,  with the latter i
> really don't trust MS to keep things as open as they claim,  or if one
> day they will er drop support for it totally, in favour of something  
> else.
> But all in all its a start, all we need to do is get some of the people
> in IT to look at this,  easier said that done that from what I have  
> heard.
> Paul
I fear it may take a long, long time for things to get moving.  They still  
haven’t got round to sorting a minor problem on the Job Centre systems.   
They can’t print £ and haven’t for nearly ten years.



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