Matthew Daubney wrote: > Hey All, > This was discussed at the last meeting, but I'm slow and should have put > this up sooner. One thing that was discussed was the idea of doing some > real life training for people who are new to Ubuntu, through to those > who consider themselves experts. > > I've put up an idea in the ideas pool[0], and started an etherpad[1]. > Does anyone else have any experience of running these kind of things who > would like to lend their expertise? What do people think would work best > in this scenario? > > Would anybody be interested in attending such a thing? > > This could be quite a large undertaking, so please get involved if > you're in the least bit interested! > > -Matt Daubney > > [0] > [1] >
Just remembered about the canonical training options (not to mention the on line support...) ===================================== * Desktop classroom training * Desktop e-learning and ===================================== Personal desktop support Personal support for everyone, from first time users, to experienced professionals. * Starter desktop service * Advanced desktop service * Professional desktop service ===================================== There is a file student.pdf, and an associated instructor.pdf created around 7.10 may need updating ===================================== also a project recently exists : Ubuntu-manual ===================================== and just seen -- alan cocks Ubuntu user --