Bruno Girin wrote:
> I've given technical training in the past and would be happy to help.

I was impressed with the thoroughness of your summary, Bruno.  Seems to 
me you noted most of the elements, and outlined the relevant options. 
Rather than us engaging in a long discussion, I wondered if it wouldn't 
be more useful for a few people just to run little local 'pilot' events, 
to see what the issues really are, and what seemed to work.

> The biggest hurdle will probably be to find locations and equipment to
> run the trainings. 

As you say, venue and kit may be the main problem.  I wondered if an 
option to deal with this might be to offer a short series of evening 
class at the local high school (many of which run 'recreational' evening 
classes), or approach the University of the Third Age or the Workers 
Educational Association to offer a short course.

Just a thought.



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