keith wrote:
> Hello.
> I want to wipe XP from my hard drive, but the only thing which is
> preventing me is that I can't get my 6 year old Logitech Quickcam Chat
> webcam to work very well in Ubuntu (9.04 or 9.10), with aMSN. The camera
> works well in WindowsXP, using the Logitech driver, so it isn't a faulty
> camera.
> After many hours of unsuccessfully trying, I have come to the conclusion
> that the best thing to do would be to get a new, compatible, webcam.
> So, does anyone on the list use a webcam and aMSN and gets good results
> from it? Preferably, more or less 'out of the box', but I don't mind a
> bit of fiddling around!
> If so, what make and model of webcam do you use, please.
> For information, using Skype or one of the other protocols is not on. It
> must be MSN.
> I have looked in the hardware database, but would like to buy a
> personally recommended model, rather than just pick one from the general
> list which is given.

Some useful documentation:

and the detailed list:

and the included document - devices:

alan cocks
Ubuntu user


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