Sean Miller wrote:
> Anyone else think £390 for a base unit is somewhat expensive???
> Sure, they "build them to order" or whatever but they must be raking it in!!
> And the site doesn't say how much memory the things have - let's hope
> it's enough for them to use it as a standard Linux install should they
> decide to do so.
> Sean
good luck to them. Not sure I would base a product on Mint, but the
hardware looks perfectly good (looks a lot like what I am using right
now) and the price is not the price for a bare bones unit but for the
solution including training materials and support (remember it isn't
being sold to self-supporting geeks) it certainly isn't crazy money. If
it is priced right to support a profitable business based on Open Source
that is great. Valerie Singleton on board sorting out publicity is
fantastic. If people say "Linux, oh yes I have heard about that, it is
that computer thingie that doesn't get viruses and is easy to use" then
I am all in favour!


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