2009/11/8 Jonathon Fernyhough <j.fernyho...@gmail.com>:
> 2009/11/8 mac <ammonius.grammati...@gmx.co.uk>:
>> Will this be supported in Lynx?
>> http://openofficemouse.com/pr110609.html
>> I do hope so, as I'm hoping to get one for each hand to double the
>> functionality.
>> mac
> Don't show this thing to Steve Jobs. It may well finish him off.
> Seriously, though, I thought this was what keyboard shortcuts were
> for? Surely if I'm typing I don't want to move my hand to the mouse to
> press a button just to make some text bold?
> Though having said that I love the idea of a built-in joystick.
> Scrolling, for example, would be much easier with that, whether in a
> document, webpage or in an RTS.

IBM used to make a mouse with a joystick instead of a scroll-wheel.
Based on the same technology as their track-points pointers on
thinkpads it sounded like a great idea... however I have used them and
prefer a scroll wheel...


Anton Piatek
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