Hi Rob,


> >    
> I gather they are phasing out Real streams.

Grrr !!

> > It seems as if it's alright for 'doze users, they can download the
> > streams in the player provided but for Linux users all we are given is a
> > crippled player.
> >
> >    
> What player are you using, the one on the BBC web site or the BBC iPlayer?

I just click on the listen link now.  I wasn't aware that there was an

Before this happened, I had a Perl script that I wrote that took the
link, downloaded it, looked for the Real stream and meta data for the
program, downloaded the stream and then converted it from real to MP3
using mplayer and lame.  Worked brilliantly, every now and then, I had
to tweak it when the BBC released a new version of the software and the
embedded links and tags changed.  When it stopped working, I thought
that that was what had happened, it was only when I started digging
through the returned data that I found that there was no Real stream.

> > Also can somebody tell me why the BBC are so keen on 'Podcasts' which is


> > Apart from me sitting down and reverse engineering the javascripts that
> > the iplayer seems to rely on to obfuscate the retrieval method currently
> > used, does anybody know of any other methods to be able to download
> > streams again available to a Linux user ?
> >    
> Not sure if the get_iplayer script would work.  That works for TV shows, 
> and I believe previously broadcast radio shows.  It can capture live TV 
> streams, haven't tried it for radio though.  On the other hand, do the 
> BBC offer Windows Media streams, as if they do you might be able to feed 
> them into mplayer.

I'm not that interested in TV streams (there's not much on TV that
interests me so I rarely watch it).  Where is the get_iplayer script ?


ubuntu/uk-2009-11-07.2.tx                                      ubuntu-uk
| Dave Restall, Computer Nerd, Cyclist, Radio Amateur G4FCU, Bodger          |
| Mob +44 (0) 7973 831245      Skype: dave.restall             Radio: G4FCU  |
| email : d...@restall.net                     Web : Not Ready Yet :-(       |
| Civilization, as we know it, will end sometime this evening.  See SYSNOTE  |
| tomorrow for more information.                                             |


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