2009/10/30 John Matthews <jake...@sky.com>:
> Hi I just noticed now, fiddling round with my netbook, that the touchpad
> and wont work. Nothing happens at all with it, is there anywhere I can
> find out how to get it working again.
> Plus, I ugraded both my laptop and netbook. It seems its not the best
> way to do things, as I am missing stuff and not everything is working.
> How would I go about doing a fresh install, over the top of both
> compters. I have never done that before, and one is a partition.

I have the same problem, and my xorg log did show an error loading the
synaptics driver (this was before I deleted my xorg conf to stop it
completely blowing up)
I have the synaptics driver installed, but it does not seem to do
much. I have not looked into it as I do not use the touchpad anyway


Anton Piatek
email: an...@piatek.co.uk       
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