Liam Wilson wrote:
> Cheers rob,
> But what I was really looking for was a way to set up a network 
> between my laptop and my netbook without having to use samba, and cut 
> the XP machine out.
> Because I know that Linux doesn't need to use samba to create a 
> network between two comps using Ubuntu, I just don't know how to set 
> that up, if you get me?
> Like, now I have samba installed, I can see each ubuntu powered 
> laptops Windows shares, but I need to transfer large amounts of data 
> from one to the other (20GiB at once) and I've found that using samba, 
> this doesn't really work well, so I was looking for a way to do this 
> over a Linux network, not a windows one.
> Liam.
In that case you could look at either mounting a folder one the 'server' 
from the 'client' by either using SSHFS (basically allows you to mount a 
folder  on the remote machine over SSH which just requires 
openssh-server to be installed on the 'server' machine) or you could 
also look at NFS.

I've used NFS before but don't have much experience (I got it working a 
couple of years ago but haven't really looked at it lately).  Possibly 
someone else might be able to guide you in the right direction.




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