Just be careful with this, I heard recently of a semi-pro photographer  
in the US who had his house burgled after the GeoTags on his Flickr  
account were linked to the facebook page stating "Woohoo! Holiday for  
two weeks! and a twitter post saying "Just arrived, can't wait to get  
to the pool".

The thieves knew he was away for a fortnight, knew he wasn't coming  
back as he had arrived at the destination and knew where he lived from  
the geoTags on photos of his house/kids/cat etc.

Just a thought...


Quoting Andrew Williams <a...@tensixtyone.com>:

> On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 10:09:46PM +0100, John Levin wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm looking for a way to geotag photos by pointing to a position on a
>> map. The mac app iPhoto has this facility (though I'm not entirely happy
>> with it's implementation) but so far haven't found anything similar that
>> runs on linux. DigiKam has an option for uploading gps tracks, but I
>> really want the map. Any suggestions?
> Geotag[1] seems to cover the features you need. Not sure if Ubuntu
> already has a package for it or not.
> [1] http://geotag.sourceforge.net/
> --
> Andrew Williams
> w: http://tensixtyone.com/
> e: andy (at) tensixtyone.com

Matthew Macdonald-Wallace


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