2009/9/17 Dianne Reuby <pramc...@yahoo.co.uk>:
> Our Volunteer Co-ordinator has returned to Uni, so I'm lumbered again.
> Except now we have quite a few volunteers to deal with. I want to be
> able to:
> * keep their contact details, availability, and skills list
> * search the list for availability and skills
> * email those who meet the search requirements (I plan to do mass emails
> of general news for all volunteers through the website, so I only want
> to email certain volunteers when necessary)
> I've been looking at options, but my main problem is that if I get lucky
> and find another sucker :) to take it over, they'll probably be using
> Windows so I need something that lets me export the data from Ubuntu if
> necessary.

How about using Google Docs? Then as long as they have a browser, it
does not matter much what OS the eventual incumbent uses. Also, you
can share docs, so multiple people can get involved :-)

Philip Stubbs


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