Hi Alan,

thank you for the e-mail, those two urls are really useful. I did check 
on both, dont much understand what it has to say, but I do know now that 
I seem to be secure, and I can make it eve more secure if I want it.

I only asked, because I have a program on windows, that suddenly 
appeared to develop a virus, just out of nowhere. It was. I contacted 
the developer, and was told there was actually a virus in the .exe file. 
which kind of surprised me, since I have used this application for a 
couple of years, and its the first time that has happened. Its been 
sorted. I just wanted to make sure, I couldnt get a virus or anything 
else on Ubuntu.

I am a bit anal when it comes to updates, I check on the updates 
everyday, and not wait for the update manager to remind me. I am the 
same with Windows updates, I dont wait, and now my virus guard actually 
tells me that I have windows updates waiting, if I have missed any.

Thank you again,


Alan Bell wrote:
> John Matthews wrote:
>> I wonder if somebody can hep. I dont have any firewall or virus 
>> protection on my ubuntu partitions. I am a little bit concerned about 
>> this. I did install one Called Firestarter, which messed up everything, 
>> and I had to uninstall it. I just couldnt get around the firewall. I 
>> know it was my fault, as I just dont understand the way the firewall 
>> works. I also have something called Firewall Builder installed, I dont 
>> understand that either, so I'm a bit stumped.
>> I run my Ubuntu using the admin log in, should I run it via a separate 
>> long in that doesnt have admin privileges? Which is the easiest 
>> protection system that a thicko like can understand and not break 
>> anything with.
>> Thanks
>> John.
> Hi John,
> do you mean you log in as "john" and you can put your password in again 
> if you want to install stuff? If so that is normal and secure, you are a 
> user with sudo rights. If you are logging on as the user called root, 
> then you have a problem.
> In the IRC channel #ubuntu-uk there is a bot that tells us things, here 
> is what it has to say about firewalls and viruses
> 12:22 < AlanBell> !firewall
> 12:22 < ubot4> Ubuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall 
> capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see
> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 
> 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI
>                applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog 
> (KDE) also exist
> 12:22 < AlanBell> !virus
> 12:22 < ubot4> A/V software is available, however read this to 
> understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: 
> http://librenix.com/?inode=21
> out of the box Ubuntu is secure and you don't need to worry about 
> hardening like you do with the dominant proprietary operating system. Do 
> keep up with the updates though.
> Alan.


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