On 7 Aug 2009, at 21:42, Paul Sladen <ubu...@paul.sladen.org> wrote:

> On Fri, 7 Aug 2009, James Milligan wrote:
>> License:
> A bit of Googling suggests to me it's likely something called  
> Novaboard, and
> the scrapped from the cache, the licence is:
>   Please read the following terms & conditions carefully as they set  
> out
>   what you can and can not do with this software unless explicity  
> stated by
>   the developers of NovaBoard.
>   1. You agree that you will not amend contents of this forum  
> software,
>      repackage it and distribute it to others unless specified  
> elsewhere in
>      this agreement or when consent is given by the developers of this
>      software.
> Basically, not open-source;  but it grants "the developers" infinite  
> freedom.
>   2. You understand that you are able to create modifications for this
>      software and distribute only the modification code and the
>      instructions to install the modification.
> Like Pine was for years;  you can distribute it, and the patches to  
> let the
> user combine them, but not ship the two combined.
>   3. You understand that you are able to create themes and/or custom  
> styles
>      for this software, and that you am hereby given permission to  
> use any
>      of the original images and styles used in the NovaBoard Default  
> folder
>      or default images folder for inclusion in your own themes  
> should you
>      wish to use them.
> Grammar fail.
>   4. You agree that you will not remove the link to the NovaBoard  
> website
>      that is included in the footer.
> BSD four-clause hell.
>   5. You agree that if you use this forum software for illegal  
> activites
>      (as defined in the state or country in which you reside, or the  
> state
>      or country in which the server that hosts your server
>      resides) NovaBoard and/or it's developers will not be held  
> liable for
>      any legal action taken.
> Definately DFSG non-free as it restricts uses to only legit  
> activities...
> If you *are* "one of the developers", you appear to be able to give  
> yourself
> consent under item 1.---and therefore give yourself consent to  
> relicence it
> under something even vagely open.
> If you're not "one of the developers", then that's another piece of
> potentially useful proprietary software that just died.
>    -Paul
> -- 
> Why do one side of a triangle when you can do all three.  Somewhere,  
> GB.

Very nicely worked out - yes, NovaBoard is the software I'm referring  

So effectively I /can/ relicence it to opensource (or the developers  
etc) and relaunch it?

Sounds good enough to me!



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