A relatively usual setting is 755... that means that the owner can
write but everybody else can simply read and execute.

Is that what you want?

There is an alternative syntax that you might find useful from the
command line if you don't find the binary syntax intuitive.

There are three user categories...
u - this is the owner of the file
g - these are members of the group of users the file belongs to
o - these are others, don't get this confused with "owner", it isnt!!

there is also and option "a" which sets all users.

There are then three basic privileges you can grant...
r - read
w - write
x - execute

There are a couple of others, but we won't worry about that for now!!

So, if you want to give, say, the group execute the syntax is

chmod g+x filename

Similarly, if you want to remove write from group and others

chmod go-w filename

For file modifications you may find this more intuitive, you may not.
The binary may work better for you, depending on the way your mind
works :-)

Incidentally, you can find all these things out by simply going to
Google and typing "chmod".  As you can with pretty much any question
you might have.

Or, as we keep telling you (but you dont seem to notice), typing "man
chmod" from command prompt!!

Might be worth doing this in future - it'll save you waiting for
somebody on the group to reply!!  Google is your friend, and so is man



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