
Paul Webster wrote:

> How to put this tactfully: No one ever answered my question about why
> panels cannot, in fact, be dragged to new locations... (They can't on my
> screen, anyway).

If you hold the Alt key down you can then click and drag the panels.

> Also, does anyone else find that Firefox 3 0 11 freezes rather often? It
> is then hard to shut down, despite using the Force Quit button. It seems
> to quit, but when I try to restart it, it claims to be still running and
> a restart of the computer is said to be the solution. In fact it can be
> forced to shut down in System Monitor.

I've had this happen occasionally. I've always thought it was something
to do with the flash plugin, but I've never really verified this.

Tony Arnold,                        Tel: +44 (0) 161 275 6093
Head of IT Security,                Fax: +44 (0) 870 136 1004
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