James wrote:
> Lucy wrote:
>> 2009/6/30 John <jake...@sky.com>:
>>> Hi Lucy,
>>> Having checked that, it proved very useful, as they are trying very hard
>>> not to answer any of my queries directly, plus it was around that time
>>> that they admitted to having a problem, and when I questioned them about
>>> and told them I knew it was the same person that made that attack and
>>> this one, why is it he is still able to attack the server. To which they
>>> stopped answering my messages. They tried to tell me that it was a multi
>>> IP attack, by many different computers, to which I gave the address as
>>> proof, to show them it was just one person. Not happy they arent.
>>> I'm not happy either that they wont help me and show me what exactly was
>>> the problem with my site. Its been very frustrating.
>> I'm sorry to hear you're still having problems with them, but not
>> entirely surprised :/
>> As your sites have been restored any evidence will have been removed
>> about what happened. I would recommend double-checking that you're
>> running the latest version of Wordpress and phpbb, plus any plugins
>> you use for both sites. Then start reading up about securing them - I
>> don't know enough to properly advise unfortunately. I would say that
>> it's impossible to guarantee stopping this happening again but you can
>> reduce the chances by taking these steps.
>> If your ISP are happy to continue hosting the sites then I'd guess
>> that the problem has been fixed for now.
>> I hope you manage to sort things out. Might be worth starting a new
>> thread about cheap hosting providers if not!
>> Best wishes
> Just to add to this - WordPress 2.8 was released a few weeks back. Might 
> be worth updating to that version, and make sure that your plugins are 
> updated ASAP.
> James
Hi both, the site has been updated, and so have the plugins.

John. :)


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