2009/6/28 Andy Smith <a...@strugglers.net>:
> Hi John,
> On Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 08:51:26PM +0100, John wrote:
>> It looks like my site is gone. The host has not backed up as promised,
>> and they are just saying its gone no backup. That's all I'm getting.
>> They wont tell me what happened, they wont tell me how the hacker got
>> in, tjhey wont tell me why there is no backup. Nothing. I am feeling
>> very sick right now.
> I agree with others who have said that the web applications you are
> running are the most likely attack vector, and that you should make
> sure they are kept up to date.

Like I said in an earlier post, many other sites on the same server
were also compromised. It's likely that he'll never find out which one
was responsible. I agree that keeping everything up to date is
essential though.

> In any case, for the future, you aren't likely to get far disputing
> backup failures with any hosting company so it is best to assume
> responsibility yourself for this.  That may mean just checking
> that backups your host does actually exist and are correct, or it
> may mean doing them yourself.  2.5GiB is not a large amount of data
> so there isn't really any excuse for not keeping a backup yourself.

Seconded, and there are many backup options that don't require
downloading the whole 2.5GiB each time.


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