Matthew Daubney wrote:
> On Sat, 2009-06-27 at 17:14 +0100, John wrote:
>> I run a website, and there's about 2.5 gigs of information on there. The 
>> whole lot got deleted and the hackers put a picture of advertising who 
>> they were. I have managed to get the host to restore as much as they can 
>> back, well, they way they are trying to.
>> What is worrying me, is the password was a really strong password, 100 
>> strong according to the password generator, and I was wondering, how 
>> they managed to get in. I cant help worry that it might be through my 
>> netbook. How do I check to see that my computer hasnt been hacked. I 
>> know Ubuntu has a virus checker, but the lst time I tried to use it, it 
>> was finding programs that were viruses, and these were programs in the 
>> Synaptic. I was not able to use it in the end, as I didnt know what was 
>> what. Also is there anything I can do to stop my notebook from being 
>> hacked.
> Hi John,
> A little more information will help us a great deal here. What was the
> type of hosting you had for your website? Was it a VPS or was it just
> some webspace from a provider? Also whats the domain? We can have a
> little look and check the security of the server its on.
> -Matt Daubney
Hi Matt, oh dear, he comes some more of my ignorance, what is a VPS. My 
host is called EUKHost, and I have a shared server. I cant get them to 
open up about this, but some of the things that I have on there such as 
the MODX CMS and Wordpress conflict with mod_security, and it has to be 
tirned off. They wont fix it because it will affect the other sites if 
it does. Will that have been what could have caused this? My domains are and How can you find out 
about the security of them. I used to belong to a rescue, dont do much 
now, but the info is about the animals I used to look after, and it has 
a forum on there as well. I do have a few animals here.

I just took a look and the sites still arent showing.



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