Hi folks,

Not sure if any of you are aware but tomorrow is the 7th Anniversary of 
TuxPaint.  Anyway for a while I've been mulling over creating a Facebook 
group to promote free software for kids (not just on Linux, but also on 
Windows and Mac).  I figured lots of people use Facebook and I have a 
few friends with kids who might be interested, and they also might have 
friends who might be interested and so on.

So far I've only added TuxPaint although I was thinking of adding 
TuxMath, TuxTyping, SuperTux and other free software that would be of 
use to kids (I'm not just thinking younger kids, I'm also thinking older 
kids say teenagers who might be interested in OpenOffice or some of the 
applications and games aimed at older kids).

Anyway, the group can be found here: *http://tinyurl.com/freesoftwareforkids

*So if you have a Facebook account feel free to join up.  Any help would 
be great.




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