On 14 Jun 2009, at 22:27, Alan Pope <a...@popey.com> wrote:

> Hi Rowan,
> 2009/6/14 Rowan <rowan.berke...@googlemail.com>:
>> Hi. My 'Linux Certified' (Compal JHL-90) just died on me. First the
>> display froze, then when I force-restarted it, it wouldn't go past  
>> the
>> first Intel splash screen (with no boot options strip at the bottom),
>> and now it just generates no display at all, though the screen is
>> backlit normally. The fan runs for two or three seconds then stops,
>> which is its normal behaviour, so this seems like a hardware fault  
>> that
>> stops the Operating System from booting.
> My Dell did something similar. Turned out to be lack of cooling
> causing the video card to go pop.
>> It could just be that the CPU
>> is loose in its socket. Is there anyone reading this list or  
>> recommended
>> by those who do, that I can take it to in central London? I shall pay
>> any repair cost and get 'Linux Certified' to refund me (since it's  
>> still
>> under hardware guarantee).
> Does the hardware guarantee cover you in the UK? Didn't you get the
> laptop from the US?
> Cheers,
> Al.

I was just about to say the same Alan. There was a laptop in at work  
the other day doing something similar, and usually it is the graphics  

However, there has been a case where it was a stick of faulty RAM or  
RAM bay.

Try taking your sticks out one at a time and swapping them between bays.



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