On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 3:59 PM, Rowan
Berkeley<rowan.berke...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi, people. Banshee doesn't edit tags in mp3 files, only the copies of
> these tags in its own Music Library. Also, it doesn't seem to be able to
> recognise new additions to the mp3 archive except by recompiling its
> Music Library completely via 'Import Media', thereby losing any
> file-name changes I have made each time I add new files. So I need to
> edit the tags at source. I would prefer something self-installing, which
> is why I ask whether there is anything in the repositories.

Try 'easytag'. There is also an 'easytag-aac' which relates to some
special MP3 files.
If easytag does not work on your MP3 files, look into 'easytag-aac'.



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