Jason Liquorish wrote:
> Gordon wrote:
>> The last barrier to ditching MS completely is two-fold.
>> One - updating my Garmin Nuvi Satnav (the web updatyer apparently is 
>> only for Windows) and secondly back-up and restore of my Nokia mobile 
>> via Nokia PC Suite.
>> There seem to be one or two sync apps for Nokia - anything to be 
>> recommended?
> You could try running the Garmin updater software using Wine [1][2] and 
> I think I remember hearing about a program called Gnokii [3] for Nokia 
> mobiles. Not quite sure if it is what you are looking for as I only 
> vaguely remember a blogger giving it praise and have not had a chance to 
> try it myself, but it may be worth a look.
> A quick look on the community documentation also suggests that you may 
> be able to sync to Evolution [4] but I do not know if that includes the 
> ability to restore back to the phone.
> As well as that a quick Google turned up the suggestion of a program 
> called Gammu [5].
> Hope that something there helps you out, I am sure someone else could 
> give you a more solid recommendation but that should get you started. It 
> is good to hear that you have almost moved over and just have a few 
> things left =)
> [1] http://bit.ly/10snx3
> [2] http://bit.ly/yRqFQ
> [3] http://bit.ly/3OLtK9
> [4] http://bit.ly/Hh3jW
> [5] http://bit.ly/qiPU7

Thanks for that - fortunately I have a Linux Netbook (Tosh NB100 with 
9.04 on) to test all this out on rather than my main laptop!


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