Matthew Daubney wrote:
> [evolution/mailman attachment snippage]
> Hmm, thats interesting. I can't see a way around that inside Evolution,
> as far as I can see Evolution is set to just use Plain Text. Anyone know
> a way around it?

I wasn't criticising evolution to be fair, just more mailman for not
intelligently[1] injecting its footer into an attachment-laden message,
and windows live mail for being ... well, poo :)

> Maybe it's time to go back to Mutt!

Bit harsh :)


[1] why mailman can't simply parse the existing mime enclosure
boundaries and tack its footer on at the end with the same boundary
instead of encapsulating the whole smash in its own mime enclosures
(which actually define the boundaries from the original message), I
don't know.  I'm sure there's some reason for it, no doubt someone will
figure it out :)


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