Sorry to flare this up any more, and I assure everyone this will be  
the only list email I send in relation to this - ill keep it off list  
if I need to respond.

To Sean,

What's the 'excuse' for you being rude in response? Sure, you provided  
an answer that he could have found himself with a little bit of time,  
but thats the same with anything. Google is great, but if you're not  
sure what to put in, it's pretty darn useless.

This list is meant to help people who are having issues with ubuntu,  
and general discussion about things, not about slaying people because  
they're trying to do well in life and pass on their expertise to their  
friends at the same time.

If it's of any importance to you, I'm 16 too, and am also in the  
middle of my GCSEs. IMHO, I did find your comments a little  
unconstructive and put him down somewhat. Age shouldn't matter. I'm  
sure he knows many things that you don't.

Anyway to move on, I've emailed Farran off list as well, but I'm  
afraid I can't help with the actual issue. If you wish to discuss this  
further, please email me off list.

James Milligan - 16

On 17 May 2009, at 19:48, Sean Miller <> wrote:

> On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 6:26 PM, Farran Lee  
> <> wrote:
>> sorry, I'm sure I could find this on the net but don't have time.
> What makes you think we all have time if you don't?
>> How do I set up a dial-up-conenction on a friend's computer? ftr,  
>> it's
>> BT dsl broadband modem that they use, don't know if this is relevant.
> It it's a BT DSL broadband Modem then it isn't dial-up.
> And, personally, I wouldn't bother... just find a cheap router and
> connect it using a network cable.   There are so many routers around
> these days it really isn't, imho, worth messing around trying to get
> DSL modems to work.  Look on Freecycle, there's bound to be one there
> for free.
>> Farran Lee <>
>> I'm only 16 :P
> Why do people say things like "I'm only 16"?  Is it to make excuses
> for being rude on lists "I don't have the time but you lot must do, so
> you'd better sort my issue"??
> Sean
> -- 


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