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To: Ubuntu-cym launchpad group
CC: British Ubuntu Talk <ubuntu-uk@lists.ubuntu.com>, Ubuntu local
community team (LoCo) contacts <loco-conta...@lists.ubuntu.com>

Hi all,

It is time that we have a vote to decide upon a Point of Contact for the
Welsh LoCo team! There is currently a list of candidates[0] who wish to
become the first official PoC of Ubuntu Cymru. At this moment in time,
anyone who wishes to is able to apply themselves to this list with an
introduction and/or manifesto similar to the one that I have written. I
welcome all who wish to apply to become the official PoC of Ubuntu Cymru
and steer us in the right direction towards becoming an official LoCo
community & team. However listed below is a number of things that must
be carried out by the PoC (if it interests you becoming one):

 * Produce a team report each month[1], there is one being authored for
April by myself (any contributions welcomed) as we speak/read.
 * Every leader within the Ubuntu community must adhere to the Ubuntu
Leadership Code of Conduct, as well as the standard one. There is no
room for those who cannot stay in-line with these rules.
 * Plan and carry out events throughout Wales (yes all parts of Wales)
including just Bugjams, packaging jams, install fests, release parties,
or even just meeting the face behind the alias sort of meetings.
 * Hold meetings online when a topic comes up or just for ideas on how
to further advance the team.
 * Much much more.

If you are interested then please put your name and some background info
on the wiki[0]. There will be a deadline for applications of Sunday 10th
May where there will be a launchpad vote following on our launchpad
page[3]. The vote will then run for 7 days, i.e. it will finish at
Sunday 17th May. All members are urged to vote.

[0] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WelshTeam/Election
[1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TeamReports/March2009#Welsh%20Team
[2] http://www.ubuntu.com/community/leadership-conduct
[3] https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cym
- --
Christopher Swift

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