On Sun, 2009-04-12 at 14:33 +0100, Lucy wrote:
> As promised in an earlier thread, I've created a poster for
> advertising the Manchester Ubuntu 9.04 Release Party (over 40 sign-ups
> already, we're doing well!).
> It's 9.8MB in size and available at
> http://lucybridges.co.uk/JackalopeReleaseParty.pdf
> It's copied from a poster for the Irish release party at:
> http://spreadubuntu.neomenlo.org/en/poster/jaunty-release-party
> If anyone wants the source files and SVG please let me know.
> Lucy

the image of the world and clock are bugged out (on jaunty at least).
I'm gonna guess the rectangles of white are supposed to be glares,
see: http://i41.tinypic.com/bg7ib8.png

I took the output of pdf2svg and fixed it (hopefully).

Gordon Allott <gordall...@gmail.com>

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