On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 11:44 AM, Jamie Bennett <ja...@linuxuk.org> wrote:
> Steve Garton wrote:
>> Would a Viglen have enough grunt to run something like boxee
>> (www.boxee.tv)? Boxee has rtorrent integrated, but it is mainly a
>> media centre (a fork of xmbc I believe). I currently have it running
>> on an old (~5 year old) PC in the living room (as a proof of concept
>> to my wife), but would like to move to a cheap, small, quiet machine
>> in future.
> Not sure. I don't use mine for anything stressful. It downloads torrents,
> streams them to my xbox360, holds a few screen programs (irssi e.t.c) and some
> other general programs. It's a dog to surf the internet on it so video 
> playback
> would probably be out of the question.
>> Steve Garton
>> sheepeatingtaz.co.uk
> Regards,
> Jamie.
> --
> http://www.linuxuk.org
> --
> ubuntu-uk@lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-uk
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/
Would something like the EEEtop be a better solution, or one of the
plethora of atom based machines. The power consumption wouldn't be
that much greater than the Viglen unit, with more power. You could
also look at a low end core2 machine in a media case. It would be
faster, but still fairly economic.


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